detta skrev Bill i dag nu är det klart att jag ska till deras "lilla" modelflygdag tydligen får jag flyga med bills plan oxå ohh nu börjar man bli nervös utav tusan 50% flygplan hur ska detta sluta ...måste ju göra reklam för rcff over där förslag? vad har jag nu ställt till med....
inklistrad från flying giants

Hello everyone! I have great news!

Wesse is officially planning on coming to the Joe Nall. I plan on being there myself with a lot of "Hard Man BIG Airplanes" for Wesse to fly.

I need your help, Wesse has asked that we find him a place to stay for the Nall. It is very expensive for him to fly all the way over here for the Nall and he has asked me to find him a place to stay while he is here. If possible, maybe we can all chip in and pay for his hotel room, or find a room for him to stay in. Anyone have any ideas or money or a place to stay?


Come on over Wesse! Get your airline tickets and we will all see you in MAY!

Bill Hempel