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  1. #1

    Standard WESSE Flying Japaleno Contest at the 2009 Joe Nall

    Jag fick mail från Flying Giants, ber om ursäkt om det är en gammal nyhet som jag missat, har inte varit så mycket på forumet, men om ni inte sett det, se nedan

    WESSE Flying Japaleno Contest at the 2009 Joe Nall
    In honor of our friend that lives in the land of ice, I'd like to announce the official Wesse Flying Japaleno contest at the 2009 Joe Nall!

    FG would like to see what you guys can create when it comes to a flying Japaleno!!
    It's all up to you just how crazy you would like to go with this!
    Make a foamie Japaleno, or make a 118" composite Japaleno that is powered by a turbine!
    Just make sure it flies!
    I know there are many of you that are master builders, and are very creative, so show us what you have!
    At some point on Friday at the Nall, will gather all the flying Japaleno's together on the 3D flight line (Or main flight line if they allow us) , and we will then fly the Japaleno's! Crowd response will choose the winner so GO BIG or GO HOME!
    So, who's going to bring the HEAT?!?!

    I'm still working on the prize, but rest assured it will be HOT!
    (Seriously, it will be something really nice)

    Official rules:

    1) Must be home made.. no mass produced Japaleno's
    2) Must actually fly (30 seconds minimum, longer the better)
    3) Must meet any/all AMA regulations
    4) The crowd will pick the winner!

    PS:PS: We know Japaleno is actually spelled "Jalapeño" if you don't know the reason for the spelling change please view the "Hard man video" here ----> HARD MAN
    Vänliga Hälsningar från HurriHeli

  2. #2
    wesses avatar
    maj 2007
    5 871
    Nykter Alkoholist
    ¤Sunday Team¤


    Citat Ursprungligen postat av HurriHeli Visa inlägg
    Jag fick mail från Flying Giants, ber om ursäkt om det är en gammal nyhet som jag missat, har inte varit så mycket på forumet, men om ni inte sett det, se nedan

    WESSE Flying Japaleno Contest at the 2009 Joe Nall
    In honor of our friend that lives in the land of ice, I'd like to announce the official Wesse Flying Japaleno contest at the 2009 Joe Nall!

    FG would like to see what you guys can create when it comes to a flying Japaleno!!
    It's all up to you just how crazy you would like to go with this!
    Make a foamie Japaleno, or make a 118" composite Japaleno that is powered by a turbine!
    Just make sure it flies!
    I know there are many of you that are master builders, and are very creative, so show us what you have!
    At some point on Friday at the Nall, will gather all the flying Japaleno's together on the 3D flight line (Or main flight line if they allow us) , and we will then fly the Japaleno's! Crowd response will choose the winner so GO BIG or GO HOME!
    So, who's going to bring the HEAT?!?!

    I'm still working on the prize, but rest assured it will be HOT!
    (Seriously, it will be something really nice)

    Official rules:

    1) Must be home made.. no mass produced Japaleno's
    2) Must actually fly (30 seconds minimum, longer the better)
    3) Must meet any/all AMA regulations
    4) The crowd will pick the winner!

    PS:PS: We know Japaleno is actually spelled "Jalapeño" if you don't know the reason for the spelling change please view the "Hard man video" here ----> HARD MAN
    jo det ligger en tråd under meetings om detta oxå min tid som anonym är nog över jag som levde ett så lugnt o stilla liv slammis o jag ska även närvara som domare i denna enimenta tävling så visst är det underbart att få vara med om sånt här dessutom visar vi hela världen att i sverige är alla modellflygare crazy for real...moahahaha

    att vara sig själv är bästa medicinen för själen...wessetankar

    Get high with hovering
    not drugs

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