
Kolla här:


With the Super Cub you can teach yourself to fly by mastering the basics of throttle, steering and pitch control with the assistance of HobbyZone’s exclusive Anti-Crash Technology (ACT). ACT ensures your first flights are smooth and stable by using special optical sensors and software that analyze your flight path. If ACT “sees” you are losing control and entering a steep dive, it reacts quickly to help prevent a crash by actually helping you regain control.

After you’ve mastered the basics, you can turn Anti-Crash Technology off with the flip of a transmitter switch. With ACT off, your Super Cub will be capable of more advanced maneuvers such as steep turns, loops and tail slides.

Sånt har jag inte sett förr, det måste ju underlätta för de som av en eller annan anledning vill lära sig flyga RC på helt egen hand.

Nån som provat eller vet mer om det här?
Är det så bra som det låter tro?
